| Hospitality
Potawatomi Casino & Hotel
Milwaukee, WI

In preparation for its 25th anniversary in March of 2016, the Potawatomi Casino and Hotel updated its hotel reception area with a unique design that reflects the surrounding environment and borrows subtly from Native American culture. The reception area features four 23-foot high light columns reaching upwards towards prismatic shaped natural skylights in the ceiling.

The project posed a unique illumination challenge as well as electrical issues. Uniformly illuminating the angular area that is only 2 inches wide at its base, 3 feet wide at its top, and with a setback of only 3 inches had proven problematic. Additionally, gaining approval from electrical inspectors had been difficult. The successful solution was Cooledge LINE. With minimum setback requirements, the 2 inch wide LINE could be easily applied behind the diffusers. Its material-like nature allows LINE to be cut and trimmed and it was tapered to best fit the space. Because it’s a UL Listed solution, all electrical inspection issues were resolved and the project was easily implemented and approved. The final result is a dramatic visual effect that is energy efficient, sustainable and can remain in place without maintenance for years. Most importantly, the Potawatomi Casino and Hotel group was thrilled with the final results and their celebration proceeded on time

Photography Credits: Ben Jacobsen Photography

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